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Open educational resources aim to increase the world’s access to knowledge through open textbooks and reusable, openly-licensed components. Examples of OER include textbooks, full courses, course modules, lectures, homework assignments, classroom activities, pedagogical materials and more. Thousands of open textbooks already exist, and more are being developed including by Oregon State University faculty.
Oregon State faculty regularly work with OERU to develop open textbooks and other resources for their courses. Read about their experiences in our OER at Work series »
A resource becomes “open” when its copyright-holder grants usage rights to the public through an open license, which typically includes the right to access, reformat and customize it at no additional cost.
Here are a few of the benefits of using OER in your course:
You can learn more about OER in a variety of ways:
Students at Oregon State University discuss how the soaring cost of textbooks affect them and their ability to pay for life's necessities. Watch video »