
Open educational resources (OER) give students at Oregon State University and learners around the world free access to the learning materials they need in order to improve their lives. Such impact is already taking place thanks to the efforts of Ecampus Open Educational Resources and our partners on campus.

Here are some testimonials from on-campus Oregon State students who benefited from open source materials in their summer classes in 2015:

“I really enjoyed having the reading material available through the internet. It was very comfortable to not have to carry a few textbooks, and I’m able to read the material from my phone pretty much anywhere I go. Also, it was free to access and I saved a lot and still feel like I got the same amount of beneficial information and knowledge.”

“My experience was totally positive. I can access materials from different devices. I can also listen to stories online, so I always have time to study even when I’m driving.”

“Having all of the stories online helped me a lot because I’m poor, and buying or renting all of those books would’ve been a hassle for me.”
